Wednesday, August 28, 2013


It's been one month plus since Andrick's birth, and he's filling up nicely. Here's some pics:
Staring and smiling into the camera!
Mr Moustache!

Oh my sleeping child!
He is turning out to be quite a bundle to handle...always super, duper active and non-stop action. Wondering how we'll cope when he learns how to flip to his tummy and start crawling!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Today is another special date for me : it's Andrick's fullmoon eve! You know what they say....being in confinement is worse than the delivery itself? So just wanna's almost over! The days of smelly hair and body, bathing in HOT herbal bath, feeling so heaty from all the ginger consumed (though they' re delicious).
Part of the full moon package : Mentos and Marshmallow!
For Andrick, we thought we would just send out a simple full moon package to friends and relatives to announce the's more economical compared to inviting guests over for buffets.

But being me, my imagination totally ran wild. I was thinking in the range of Garrett's Popcorn, 3D Cupcakes, Candilicious Chocolates, etc...

So I quickly check my excitement and think back to the Mentos and Marshmallows... :(

Anyway, first let me post some happy pics...

Flashback : At birth

Andrick pooped right into my palm!

Andrick at Day-21

Daddy KO-ed and Mommy....just doing what a new Mom usually do.

And sister Venice can't get enough of Andrick!

We got a scare at the early stage of his birth because he doesn't seem to want to open his eyes, and only opened them around the second week. Anyway, all is good now.